The following list of candidates for the position of UAB “Luckaus transportas” (legal entity code 145346125, address Metalistų g. 6B, LT78107 Šiauliai, tel.:+37041502777, e-mail address ) (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provides information on the processing of personal data of candidates for employment (hereinafter referred to as the “Candidate”) by the Company as the Data Controller and by other companies affiliated with the Company [1]: the categories of data to be collected and processed, the use and storage of these data, etc.


The following personal data is processed for the purposes set out below in connection with the selection process for vacancies in the Company and the assessment of applicants:

Purpose: Selection of a candidate for recruitment

Categories of personal data

Personal data

General information about the Candidate

Name, surname, date of birth, place of residence or address of residence, e-mail address, address of the person concerned. postal address and/or telephone number;

Information on work experience: employer, period of employment, duties, responsibilities and/or achievements;

Educational background: educational institution, period of training, education/qualifications obtained;

Information on further training: training attended, certificates obtained;

Other skills: language skills, IT and driving skills and other competences;

As well as other additional information to be included in the CV and covering letter or other application documents.

Recommendations, employer feedback

The person recommending or giving the testimonial, their contact details and the content of the recommendation or testimonial

Candidate assessment information

Summary of the interview with the Candidate, insights and opinions of the selector.

Legal basis for processing


Consent to the processing of personal data provided by the Candidate and contained in the CV and/or other application documents (CV, cover letter, etc.) for the purposes set out in this section of the Policy shall be deemed to have been obtained when the Candidate submits his/her CV, cover letter and/or other documents.

If information about the Candidate and (or) his/her CV and/or other candidacy documents is obtained from the Employment Service under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania, recruitment agencies, job search web portals, career social networks (e.g. “The Company assumes that the Candidate has received all the necessary information about the processing of his/her personal data and has given his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data to the relevant provider of such services, which also includes the right to submit the Candidate’s

data to potential employers (including the Company), enabling such potential employers to process the Candidate’s data for the purposes of selection(s) for the job(s) and for the assessment of the candidacy of the candidate – Data Subject.

Purpose: Issuing a visa and/or temporary residence permit in Lithuania

Categories of personal data

Personal data

Additional information about the Candidate – a foreign national applying to work for the Company

Information on the conditions required by the state to work in Lithuania: the fact of holding a D (work) visa and the document number, the country of issue, details, dates of issue and expiry, the fact of having a “Temporary residence permit” in Lithuania and the number of the document confirming it, etc.;

In order to submit a mediation letter for the issuance of a multiple-entry national visa for the purpose of recruitment of a foreigner: personal data required to be submitted when filling in the application form in the electronic migration services portal e-MIGRIS of the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior.

As well as other additional information that the Company is obliged to process by laws and regulations.

Legal basis for processing


Consent to process personal data provided by the Candidate to a non-Lithuanian citizen for the purposes set out in this section of the Policy shall be deemed to have been obtained when the Candidate e-mails the Candidate’s email address. by post or other means of communication, sends to the responsible employee appointed by the Company the Consent to represent him/her in the electronic migration services portal e-MIGRIS of the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania and/or in the Employment Service under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania.

Purpose: To invite applications for future vacancies

Categories of personal data

Personal data

General information about the Candidate

(only if the Candidate has signed the Consent to be invited to participate in the selection process for the vacant position)

Name and contact details provided by the Candidate, by which he/she wishes to be contacted;

Curriculum Vitae (CV) in full;

Information on work experience and qualifications;

Legal basis for processing


Consent to store the Candidate’s personal data in the Company’s database of potential employees for the purpose of inviting the Candidate to take part in selections for vacant positions in the Company shall be provided to the Candidate for signature during the job interview or (in the case of non-Lithuanian citizens and/or those not currently in Lithuania) in the course of communication with the Candidate by e-mail. by post.


2.1. Personal data about the Candidate is collected directly from the Candidate himself/herself when the Candidate responds to the Company’s job advertisement and/or submits to the Company his/her CV and/or other application documents (CV, cover letter, etc.). The Company may also obtain information about the Candidate, his/her CV and/or other candidacy documents from entities providing job search, selection and/or mediation services: the Employment Service under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania, recruitment agencies, job search internet portals, career social networks (e.g. LinkedIn, CVbankas) and/or others.

2.2. Certain information about the Candidate may be obtained from third parties: recommenders, current or former employers, the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (if the Candidate is not a Lithuanian citizen and does not have a residence and/or work permit in Lithuania). References (if any) provided by the Candidate shall only be checked or feedback sought from the Candidate’s employer if the Candidate gives his/her consent to contact the employer and/or other person named by him/her to obtain feedback on the Candidate.

2.3. from the current employee(s) of the Company who recommended the Candidate. In this case, we will immediately contact the Candidate and ask for permission to process the personal data related to the selection process.


3.1. The personal data contained in the CV (curriculum vitae) of the candidate may be provided and used by the Company’s affiliated companies [2], which are established in the EU Member States and/or other third countries, in accordance with the standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission, insofar as it relates to the suitability of the candidate for the specific job position. The candidate shall always have the right to ask the selector to provide information about the Company and the State in writing before consenting to the processing of such personal data.

3.2. The personal data of Candidates as potential employees of the Company may be accessed by information systems maintenance companies acting on behalf of the Company as the data controller.

3.3. The candidate’s personal data may be disclosed to third parties in accordance with legal requirements.


4.1. Personal data provided by the candidate (e.g. CV, cover letter and/or other application documents) shall be processed by the Company until the selection process for the vacancy for which the Candidate has applied is completed. The selection process shall be deemed to end at the end of the probationary period stipulated in the contract of employment of the successful candidate who has signed the contract. Personal data is stored:

4.1.1. For long-distance drivers – 12 (twelve) months from the time the data is received or from the time the Candidate attends the job interview;

4.1.2. For other posts, 6 (six) months from the date of receipt of the data or the Candidate’s attendance at the job interview.

4.2. Once the selection process for a given position has been completed and no Candidate has been selected and no employment contract has been concluded, all personal data of the Candidates collected for the purpose of the selection process shall be securely destroyed.

4.3. If the Candidate has given a separate Consent to the processing of his/her personal data for the purpose of offering him/her vacancies in the future, the Candidate’s personal data will not be processed for longer than the time period specified in the Consent, unless the Consent has been withdrawn earlier.

4.4. The retention of a Candidate’s personal data for a longer period than that specified in this Policy may only be carried out when:

4.4.1. there are reasonable grounds for suspecting the unlawful activity under investigation,

4.4.2. The candidate’s details are necessary for the proper resolution of the dispute or complaint,

4.4.3. on other grounds provided for by law. In any event, the Consent provided by the Candidate and the proof of receipt of this Consent may be retained by the Company for a longer period of time, if necessary to defend against claims, demands or actions brought against the Company.


The candidate has the right to:

5.1. to know (be informed) about the processing of your data (right to know);

5.2. to know your data and how they are processed (right of access);

5.3. to request the rectification or, taking into account the purposes of the processing of the personal data, the completion of incomplete personal data (the right to rectification);

5.4. withdraw consent to the processing of his/her personal data where the personal data are processed on the basis of his/her consent (right to withdraw consent)

5.5. request the erasure of personal data concerning him or her (‘right to be forgotten’);

5.6. require the Company to restrict the processing of personal data relating to him/her (right to restrict);

5.7. to object at any time to the processing of his/her personal data where this is done in the legitimate interests of the Company or of a third party (right to object);

5.8. to receive data relating to him or her that he or she has provided to the Company in a structured, commonly used and computer-readable format and to transmit it to another controller (right to data portability);

5.9. lodge a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate (L. Sapiegos g. 17, LT10312, Vilnius; e-mail:

For more information on the processing of your personal data, please refer to the Company’s Privacy Policy at or contact us by email. by email to

[1] Company or its affiliates (Group) means the Company and all other legal entities which are directly and/or indirectly controlled by the same persons who directly and/or indirectly control the Company.

[2] Company or its affiliates (Group) means the Company and all other legal entities which are directly and/or indirectly controlled by the same persons who directly and/or indirectly control the Company.